
About the BruinHub

The BruinHub is an on-campus space designed to meet the needs of students who commute long distances to campus. We have two locations located at the John Wooden Center and Strathmore Building. The BruinHub spaces were designed in recognition of commuters' routines and needs.

Students with their laptops sitting down in the JWC BruinHub

Using the BruinHub

To use the spaces, students are invited to fill out an online application to become a “BruinHub Passholder.” We ask that students complete the application each academic quarter.

The BruinHub Hours of Operation are consistent with the hours of the John Wooden Center and are subject to change each academic quarter. Information on the BruinHub at Strathmore will be released in Winter 2024.

Photo of a student writing in their notebook, sitting in front of a BruinHub pod in the JWC. Another student is seen in the background on their laptop, sitting in the JWC lounge


The John Wooden Center BruinHub features areas for students to study, and rest: study tables, charging stations, microwave, refrigerator, storage, and study pods are available. Students will also be able to utilize the John Wooden Center restrooms, water stations, and showers.

For additional information on how to locate the JWC BruinHub and using its amenities, watch our Instagram reel: A Guide to the BruinHub.

Photo of the fridge, microwave, and study tables at the JWC BruinHub

BruinHub Pods

The BruinHub pods are individual, partly-enclosed spaces for students to individually rest, study, or recline. They are designed for temporary rest in a public space, each featuring a foldable desk and electronic ports for charging. In the daytime, a student can reserve a pod for short-term (<2 hour) use.

Photo of a student lounging in the pink BruinHub pod located in the Strathmore BruinHub.